Friday, December 11, 2015

Writing Lyrics: Our Favorite Tips

We all have those days--when every word we write is bland and boring and the only rhyme we can think of is "roses are red, violets are blue." However, we have a list of tips and tricks to make lyric writing a breeze!

  1. The most important rule to remember in lyric writing is this: take the universal and make it unique. You want your songs to be relatable--about universal emotions that everyone has felt. However, you have to take that emotion and convey how it feels in a unique way. There are hundreds of love songs out there--which isn't a bad thing--but it just means you have to make things interesting. Instead of saying "I can't live without him," say "He's the air I breathe that keeps my body moving." Try it! Think of a few bland, generic phrases, and spice them up!
  2. Don't be afraid of your rhyme scheme. You may be using an ABABA rhyme scheme, but that doesn't mean you have to end each line with the rhyme--mix it up. Maybe the rhyme comes in the middle of the line. Don't be afraid of slant rhymes either--"teeth" and "seek," for example.
  3. Speaking of rhyming, if you're really stuck, use a rhyming dictionary. I have a rhyming dictionary app installed on my phone, and I use that to brainstorm when I'm stuck.
  4. Accept the facts: You're going to have to rewrite. On the first draft, it's okay if some of the lines are boring. Don't get stuck. Just move on, and come back later.
  5. Always have something with you to write with or to record on. I have tons of voice memos of ideas saved in my phone. You never know when inspiration will strike. Make sure you don't lose any lyrics, no matter where you are.
  6. If you're really stuck, switch up your process. If you always write lyrics first, start with a melody instead. If you decide on the title last, start with the title and then brainstorm song flow.
  7. Do a lyric-writing exercise. There are tons available on the internet.
  8. Collaboration is a great way to get you out of a writing rut. Two heads are better than one. I find that some of my best work comes from working with someone else.
Now, get writing! Share what you come up with in the comments! Let me know your favorite tips! And keep an eye out--in a few days, I'll be sharing my favorite songwriting secret!

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